The Salaf And Their Books

*🌹The Salaf And Their Books🌹*

Ibn Bashkuwaal describes ‘Abdal-Rahmaan Ibn Muhammad as saying:

 *“He did not lend his original books, and if someone requested him persistently, then he used to give it to a scribe who copied it and revised it, then handed it to the borrower.”*

[Ibn Bashkuwaal, Al-Silaah, 299]

*After the death of Muhammad Ibn Maslamah Al-Ansaaree (31BH – 46AH), a booklet was found attached to his sword containing hadeeth. [Raamhurmuzee, Al-Muhaddith, 56]*

*Daawood Ibn Nusair Al-Taa’ee (100-160) buried his books [Ibn Hajr, Tahdheeb, 3/187]*

‘Abdullaah Ibn Luhi’ah (96 – 174) had books which got burnt. [Ibn Hajr, Tahdheeb, 5/376]

Al-Sakan said: 

*“I asked Ibraheem Ibn Muslim Al-Saa’igh to lend me a book and when he demanded a mortgage, I handed him a copy of the Quraan as a mortgage.”*

 [Imlaa, 178]

*Authentic Salafi Knowledge #1*

*Authentic Salafi knowledge #2*

🌹The Prophet (saw) said:

*"Convey (knowledge) from me even if it is just one aayah..."*

[Bukhari, 3461]... 

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