The Night Prayer [or At-Tahajjud]

The Night Prayer [or At-Tahajjud]

💠Bilaal [radiyallaagu-anhu] said that Allaah’s Messenger [sallal laahu alayhi wasallam] said,.

“It is upon you to perform the night prayer, for indeed it is the [continuous] practice of the righteous who came before you. Indeed, the night prayer is a means of getting close to Allaah; a means of preventing one from evil deeds, a means of expiating  evil deeds and it is a means of expelling sickness from the body

[Reported by Imaam at-Tirmidhi and others] [Ref 15]


NB: translator’s note: Imaam Albaani [rahimahullaah] transmitted this hadeeth in Irwaa Al-Ghaleel as follows: 

“It is upon you to perform the night prayer, for indeed it is the [continuous] practice of the righteous who came before you. It is a means of getting close to your Lord; a means of preventing one from evil deeds and a means of expiating evil deeds”

.  Then Imaam [i.e. Albaani (rahimahullaah)] declared this Hadeeth ‘Hasan’ without the addition 

“And it is a means of expelling sickness from the body”.

 [For further details, see Irwaa Al-Ghaleel. Publisher Al-Maktabah Al-Islaamiy- 2nd edition 1405AH (1985).  Vol 2, Pages 199-202. Hadeeth number 452]

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