“Every soul shall taste death.”Qur’an 29:57


Death is Near


“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” Qur’an 4:78.

“Let every person consider what they have sent ahead for tomorrow.” Qur’an 59:18
Every day we see examples of death. We perceive a peaceful death as one with neither pain nor violence. However, this is not necessarily the case. When a person dies, the soul leaves the body, and so the physical appearance of the body may not reflect the situation of the soul. The peacefulness or unease of the soul will be a direct result of how well a person fulfilled their purpose in this life, and has little to do with the cause of death.

Consider an example of two people who have a one-way ticket to a destination they have never been to before. The first person takes the time to learn about the language, culture and practices relating to the destination. He acquires the right currency and vaccinations, and when it comes time to travel, he arrives without any surprises. He is safe and content, because he has taken the time to prepare.

In contrast, the second person is careless in his preparations and simply lives for the moment until the time comes to depart. He arrives at the unknown destination scared and confused. His unpreparedness causes him to end up with a dreadful fate, as all of the things he has brought with him were of no use.

Describing such a heedless person, Allah says in the Qur’an:

“When death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord, send me back! So that I can do good in the things I neglected.’ By no means! It is a mere word that he speaks.” Qur’an 23:99-100

Also consider the response of those people consigned to hell, when they are questioned regarding what put them there:

“They will say, ‘We were not of those who prayed, nor did we feed the poor. And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who engaged in it, and we used to deny the Day of Recompense (the Day of Judgement) until there came to us the death that is certain.’ ” Qur’an 74:43-47

We all have an appointed time with death, and we will all travel to this unfamiliar destination. 

Ask yourself – Have you prepared for it ????? 


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