Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

As Muslims, its extremely important to seek guidance in all we do especially when it comes to religious duties else we will end up falling into the traps of Sheitan due to our ignorance, pride etc.

Sheikh Ibn al Qayyim may ALLAH be pleased with him said in his book "THE PATH TO GUIDANCE" that , Guidance (hidaayah) is:
a) Elucidation or explanation (bayaan) and Indication (dalaalah) (to the path), then 
b) Success (tawfeeq) and Inspiration (ilhaarn) in following the path), and this comes after the guidance of elucidation and indication. There is no way to elucidation and indication except by means of the Messengers. So when elucidation, indication and acquaintance (of the path) has been obtained, there will occur, as a result of this the guidance of success (in following the path), the placing of faith (eemaan) in the heart and its beautification and endearment to it, making it (the heart) prefer eemaan, be pleased with it and aspire for it. 

These are two independent and distinct types of guidance. Success and prosperity cannot be gained except by them. They both contain the knowledge and acquaintance of that which we do not know of the truth, in both a general and specific sense, as well as our being inspired to the truth and being made to desire following it inwardly and outwardly. Then (they contain) the creation of the capability for us (by Allaah) to perform the requirements of this guidance with respect to speech, action and firm resolution. (Then after all of this), being made to remain firm and established upon it until death. *_May ALLAH keep guiding us all till death_*. Aameen. Please accept my apologies for the delay in sharing as I've been busy since morning.
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