➡️Madhhabs Mixing With Deviated Beliefs, By Ibn Taymiyyah

➡️Madhhabs Mixing With Deviated Beliefs, By Ibn Taymiyyah

Ibn Taymiyyah said:

“The same goes for the four (well known) madhhabs and others, especially since many of them have been engulfed by some of the fundamental views (related to ‘aqeedah) and this (views of the madhhab) has become mixed with that (views of other sects).

So the Hanbalee, Maalikee and Shaafi’ee adherent mixes some of the fundamental (i.e. ‘aqeedah) beliefs of the Ash’arees, Saalimees and others with the madhhab of Ahmad, Maalik and Shaafi’ee, incorporating these beliefs into their respective madhhab.

Likewise, the Hanafee mixes some of the ‘aqeedah-related views of the Mu’tazilah, Karaamiyyah and Kulaabiyyah with the Hanafee madhhab, thus incorporating that and attributing that to the madhhab of Aboo Haneefah.”

[Minhaaj As-Sunnah, 5/260]
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